Another week races by at a rate of knots that quite frankly scares the life out of me. I mean how is it September already? Celebrating the fact we had had Daisy a year on Sunday brought it home, that does not seem like a year and she's had lots of different adventures in that year bless her. Being September means not only chillier and darker mornings and wardrobe decisions shifting from shorts or trousers to coat or no coat but also lots of 8 legged creatures creeping indoors. Yes one or two mornings this week I've stumbled bleary eyed into the bathroom only to be confronted by some rather large arachnid. Now, I love all animals but I'm really not that keen on spiders. I don't like to kill them but I refuse to share my morning shower with them either. I've also already seen and heard the buzz of the Daddy Long Legs' as we enter their most active season too. It makes me wonder how they manage to get in but they seem impossible to find their way out again it's a bit like me when I go to Ikea!
Anyway in other news, the Furry Dog Mobile sailed through the MOT so that's good news. On Sunday we went to Lancing Ring to join fellow Professional Dog Walker Michelle from Paws Outdoors who has been running this business for 10 years. Her brother James now works alongside her too and it was great to see she had so many supporters join her. Being a small business owner is very difficult and to be still successful after 10 years is a great achievement. I feel it is very important to support my fellow peers on these achievements, us small business owners really need to stick together! The hounds did extremely well keeping up with everyone for a long 2 hour walk with some very steep hills. It is a beautiful walk and I'd really like to do it again on a clearer day as the views are phenomanal.
This week we've had our usual walkies gangs although on Wednesday we missed little Colby who has a poorly paw and has been confined to strict bed rest for a few days. We wish him well and hope to see him back again next week. Peach came out in sympathy and for a while our Muddy Dog training was in jeopardy! On Tuesday's walks she was running around absolutely fine, we get back home and there's a trail of blood from the front door all the way through the house. On examination of her paw, I discover that she's split her pad open! I have absolutely no idea how she's managed to do this but thankfully a trip to the Vets was avoided as I managed to put my Canine First Aid and bandaging skills to use! On Wednesday's walks she seemed totally unaffected by it so that is a big relief. Talking of the Muddy Dog Challenge, a massive thank you to all of you who have donated to our cause so far. I have reached the £100 target that I needed for Battersea Dogs Home now anything over that, I can donate to my chosen dog charity which is of course the Basset Rescue Network of Great Britain. So please, if you haven't already, the hounds would really appreciate any amount you can donate. I know only too well, caring for these beauties is really not cheap.
Talking of needy hounds, I bought yet another Basset themed t-shirt for Mr Furry last week to go with his ever expanding collection of Basset wear (see top photo - Come To The Bark Side). They're quite expensive for a t-shirt as they come from America but, the funds raised from sales goes to homeless Basset Hounds in New York which is a truly great cause. It's quite astonishing the amount of clothing and other Basset paraphernalia that we have as a household. I'm pretty sure we could open up a there's an idea.......a Basset Hound Museum, with real life exhibits! Who would visit out of you all?
Grooming is as busy as ever and as I always say, I am truly thankful for that and totally appreciate the loyalty of my regular clients. It does however seem to make the weeks go by quicker and quicker when I am booking the next 8 weekly appointments realising that will be the beginning of November! Still let's not get gloomy about it, the trick is to make the most of that time even if it is going quickly.
I've been checking in on Tabby the cat who used to be a family of 3 but she's lost her pals Socks and Molly within the last year so now she's the only feline in the family.
This weekend I will visit the Findon Sheep Fair on Saturday, I haven't been for a few years but I do like watching the sheep shearing as funnily enough, my job seems vaguely similar some days! Again, important to support these local free community events and the local small businesses that attend.
Whatever you're up to at the weekend whether it's the Sheep Fair or just enjoying time with your furries, have a good one.
Much love
Sally xx