It’s been a while since my last blog so I’ll try and keep this brief to bring you up-to-date on what’s been going on here at Furry Towers. In my spare time (if I get any!) I like to go Stand Up Paddle boarding however I haven’t been able to do a lot of it this year with my niggling shoulder injury. Anyway, it has always been my desire to get one of my Bassets on my board with me as I’ve seen a lot of dogs on paddleboards but NEVER a Basset Hound! I’m pleased to say that on Monday evening, I achieved this with the help of my very faithful Daisy-Duke. Now Bassets are not known for their love of ...
This is another very reflective blog as I sit here only half way through the week and having already heard of two friends who've lost their dogs and two of my regular clients. It's all too sobering as sat next to me on the sofa, is my boy who, I know is on borrowed time and know that the awful decision is looming. It does pose the all the pain and heartache you suffer when you lose one, worth the reward of having them for however long they're here? My answer has always been yes to this but, I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with the upset when another poor wee soul I ...
This blog is a little teeny bit of a rant. I must admit to hating this time of the year......1st May in particular a day I hate. Yes, the warmer dryer weather has arrived but along with the seasonal dog ban on the beach which to me, is as much of an annoyance as seasonal hay fever. Having just returned from a week's holiday in Cornwall, it's more of an annoyance than ever. Now Cornwall is one of the most dog-friendly places in the country but, even here, I find myself unable to visit some of the most picturesque and appealing beaches because of the seasonal dog ban which normally starts either...
I haven’t blogged for a while so this may be an epic one as I try to update you on everything that’s been going on! Firstly lets talk about the weather because well being British, we love it don’t we? I cannot believe how much rain we’ve had and it only amazed me when last weekend, I was looking at some photos I took this time last year and it was glorious! Let’s just hope that we have an extended dry Summer, I’m expecting it to last well into October! At least we’ve had three full dry days so far so fingers crossed that’s enough rain for a week or so. I've just ordered a new pair of...
So it came, the result I'd feared, cancer.......and it's angry cancer. Why? Why my dog? Why now? Why him? I've been through a range of different emotions since that awful phone call from the Vets. Shock, upset, anger but the worst was wanting something or someone (namely myself) to blame. Was it something I'd fed him? Something I'd exposed him to? To be honest, I'm not sure it would have made me feel any better if the Vet had said "yeah the reason he's got this cancer is because you've been giving him coconut oil" but, it's human nature I suppose to want a reason. Somehow just bad luck is so h...