From Soaring to Pouring

What a week it's been?  We had 34 degrees last Wednesday to 16 degrees this Wednesday.  Shorts and vest tops last week back to wellies and wet weather gear.  I love being a Dog Walker in this country it's just so random, you never know what you're going to get or what to wear! I have to say the dogs definitely prefer it a bit cooler.  I've noticed the difference in them all this week compared to last.  They're much more active and enthusiastic about their walks when it's not too hot - a bit like me I guess? We have been slightly quieter on the walking front this week a...

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A Doggie Day Out

Early Saturday morning, the weather can't seem to make up its mind, so a typical July weekend in Britain then?  Off we set to Stansted Park in Havant for the Summer Paws in the Park show. Not great planning with the Goodwood Festival of Speed on and we need to get through Chichester so we take the scenic route along the A259 through Bosham and Fishbourne. Arrive at the park and are surprised at how quiet it is for a Saturday morning but haul the Hounds out of the van and trundle off towards the entrance.  As always we get the usual comments of "oooohhhh Basset Hounds, you don't see m...

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Holidays Are Coming

So, with what seems like a blink of an eye, another week is almost over.  I remember as a child how it seemed to take forever for the Summer Holidays to arrive but here we are, with just a couple of weeks before my least favourite time of the year, the 6 week’s school holidays.  I know I’ve turned into a grump as an adult but honestly this is any Dog Walker’s worst nightmare.  Picnics and children everywhere!  The beach is a no-go, certain parts of the downs are off-limits along with local parks and beauty spots.  A pack of dogs and a picnic are not a good mix.  Y...

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New Balls Please!

Well here we are in the throes of Wimbledon and I'm thinking of signing Peach Basset up for next year's round of Ball Girls.  That dog has found 3 tennis balls this week and she finds them in the deepest of undergrowth which are completely invisible to anybody else!  I wish I could hone that skill so that she could put it to use finding something a little more valuable.  She'd be a great Sniffer Dog if anyone ever tried to smuggle drugs inside of tennis balls! It's so funny how she loves a ball and so often I hear "oh a Basset Hound chasing a ball".  Admittedly the lazy, sl...

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Thunderbolts, Birthdays & Bassets

I spoke too soon about my wardrobe choices and the weather didn't I?  I got very caught out on Wednesday's group walk in my shorts! Ah well, never mind, the gardens needed it (isn't that what they say?). Again, the dogs never seem to mind what is happening with the weather as long as they can run around and have a good play with their friends.  Mind you, with  the very electric storms we had on Tuesday night, I'm sure there were a lot of very frightened pooches around.  Poor things.  I myself was scared enough as the lightening was so bright it seemed to light up the w...

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FurryDM Large TM Strap
