This is another very reflective blog as I sit here only half way through the week and having already heard of two friends who've lost their dogs and two of my regular clients. It's all too sobering as sat next to me on the sofa, is my boy who, I know is on borrowed time and know that the awful decision is looming. It does pose the all the pain and heartache you suffer when you lose one, worth the reward of having them for however long they're here? My answer has always been yes to this but, I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with the upset when another poor wee soul I ...
It’s been a while since my last blog so I’ll try and keep this brief to bring you up-to-date on what’s been going on here at Furry Towers. In my spare time (if I get any!) I like to go Stand Up Paddle boarding however I haven’t been able to do a lot of it this year with my niggling shoulder injury. Anyway, it has always been my desire to get one of my Bassets on my board with me as I’ve seen a lot of dogs on paddleboards but NEVER a Basset Hound! I’m pleased to say that on Monday evening, I achieved this with the help of my very faithful Daisy-Duke. Now Bassets are not known for their love of ...
Having just had a week’s holiday in the stunning Lake District, I ask myself if having a holiday is really ever relaxing? Is it worth all the stress? Yes it’s lovely not to be working, not to have to wake up to the alarm, not worrying about being places at specific times. Yes it’s lovely not having to be at home worrying about mundane chores like housework but, relaxing? I know I’m my own worst enemy because I normally work right up until I go away giving myself only a few hours to pack and get ready and it takes me at least the first two or three days to actually switch off from wor...
Well as this will be my last blog of this year (I can't quite believe I'm saying that!) it is one of reflection. It has been quite a year in one way or another, certainly a rollercoaster of emotions and highs and lows. Sadly, a lot more lows than highs. However, as we veer towards the end of it, I will not put too much emphasis on the new year coming in and merely accept that sometimes in life, things happen regardless of what year it is (see I told you it was reflective!). I also must realise that coming into my 10th year in business, doggies that I have had since the start, if they haven't a...
It's been quite a while since my last blog so I'll try and bring you up-to-date with everything that's been going on in Furry World! Firstly, I need to go right back to the end of September where myself and 5 other supporters of the rescue so close to my heart (Basset Rescue Network of GB (BRNGB)) took part in the 10K Mud Assault course commonly known as Wolf Run at Pippingford Park. We were so pleased to raise much needed funds for some hounds with serious issues that needed expensive Veterinary treatment. The race was tough going as I'm sure the girls won't mind me saying, we were not ...