Lockdown Doggies: Separation Anxiety

So here we find ourselves in this most awful situation of being confined to our homes for weeks ahead. I'm struggling with it as I'm sure a lot of you are, I am always out and am a social butterfly but right now I feel like I've had my wings clipped. I am seriously concerned about our dogs wellbeing too. Yes we can joke that they're all elated because suddenly everyone is at home with them all the time but, my concern is that when this is all over in the coming months, how hard is it going to be for our dogs to get back to their normal routines?. That is what this blog is about, the possible r...

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  5387 Hits

Moody Blues & Muddy Shoes

So here we are and poof!... just like that the first month of the new year has disappeared. A very belated welcome to the year of the rat! Much like the Chinese, I'm celebrating new year late however unlike the Chinese I do not have a virus! Seriously, there is always something isn't there? So now we have left the EU but will things really change? Fundamentally day to day, I doubt we are going to notice anything different straight away. It still rains, dogs still need walking, dogs' fur still grows and needs cutting so, the World will still spin. I'm really struggling with the seasonal mood at...

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  5873 Hits

Please Stop I Wanna Get Off!

      Hello all my lovely followers. As we hurtle uncontrollably towards the end of the year, I'm in a somewhat reflective mood. It wasn't that long ago that I didn't believe what I considered "old" people saying that time goes much faster when you get older. However, as I find myself remembering events that have happened and think, well that was only last year, only to realise it was in fact three years ago, it has made me realise that time is going faster and faster. How can another year have just disappeared?  I know I am obsessed with the weather but...

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  6103 Hits

Sun, Sea, Sand and Seals

Hello to all my loyal followers and friends. I suddenly realised it has been at least two months since I last blogged, so I thought it was about time to bring you up-to-date on our goings on. Firstly, in what is becoming more and more of a fading memory, we had a lovely holiday last month in Norfolk. We've never taken the Hounds to that part of the country before but we will certainly be going back. Talk about a Dog's Paradise! I couldn't quite believe just how dog-friendly and accommodating everywhere was…..shops, cafes, pubs, historic buildings, museums and of course the Hounds absolutely lo...

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  5794 Hits

Is this the end of the 6-pack?

Hello all my loyal followers. Once again I've neglected my blog, so bear with me while I try to recall everything that's been going on since I last wrote. Finally, the Summer arrives but in true style, it is to the extreme! Far far too hot for walking doggies and indeed grooming, so some clever diary manoeuvres last week was required to make sure grooms were done early in the day, along with walks if necessary or pop ins if required. A week of the 4.45am alarm was tough! Glad that the temperature is back to our normal Summer reading! Grooming has been as busy as ever and ye...

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FurryDM Large TM Strap
