Fitness, Fleas, Fireworks & Fur
It's been quite a while since my last blog so I'll try and bring you up-to-date with everything that's been going on in Furry World!
The race was tough going as I'm sure the girls won't mind me saying, we were not exactly prepared or indeed match fit (well maybe one or two were but I certainly wasn't!). It said it all really when we looked around the warm-up area and there were guys and ladies in serious amounts of lycra doing lunges and stretches and there we all were sat at a table tucking into a rather huge chocolate and ginger cake that one of our supporters had bought down. We were never going to set any personal bests in this race in fact the main objective was to just get to the end without injuring ourselves. So we clocked in at just under 3 hours……as I said, we didn't break any world records! It was unbelievably great fun though, and our adrenaline must have kicked in as we were immediately talking afterwards about entering the same if not more runs next year! All for our collective love of these long-eared Hounds.
So moving on to fleas……….well they've been pesky little blighters this year haven't they? I'm concerned that there seems to be some sort of super flea that is resilient to all the usual treatments! I really hope that isn't the case, and that said, I do know an awful lot of people who have had success with the Seresto collars. Remember that you can give your dogs freshly crushed garlic that will deter parasites, and the addition of apple cider vinegar to their drinking water and as a spritz in a spray bottle mixed with water will also do the trick. There is always a for and against with the garlic, but in small doses and given fresh, it is unlikely to cause any harm. There are also tablets available like Dorwest Herbs Garlic & Fenugreek tablets if you'd prefer to go that route.
I've been reading a number of forums and different social media pages lately where people openly state they don't bother to treat their dogs or use preventatives for fleas in the Autumn and Winter months. Frankly this amazes me. The fleas are not seasonal. Yes, if your dog lived outside in the colder months fair enough, but they don't, they live in a centrally heated environment - the exact kind of environment that a flea will thrive on. So please continue to treat your pets for fleas through the cooler months; if nothing else it will avoid an infestation when the weather does start to pick up again.
The other thing I hear all the time is "I've given the dog a flea treatment but he's still got them". Ok so have you treated your dog's bedding or any soft furnishings in your house where your dog sleeps? What about your car or van? It's no good treating the host animal but not the rest of your home. Remember these fleas can live in your skirting boards, in cracks between floor boards, and in your carpets, cushions, rugs etc. Boil wash (or as hot as it can cope with) all your dog's bedding, collars, bandanas, coats etc. The best product I've found for treating the home and vehicles is Indorex. It's not cheap but it does seem to work. Be sure to wear a mask though as it is pretty potent. As I said above, prevention is always better than cure, so continue with the preventatives whatever they may be through the Autumn and Winter period.
Dorwest Herbs
Now enough about fleas, moving on to other matters. For those of you who follow me on Social Media, you will note that I have recently become a Stockist for Dorwest Herbs. I recently sold a couple of packs of their Fireworks Combinations specifically for dogs who were petrified of the wretched things. On the whole, I am pleased with the results. Here's a couple of testimonials of those that used both the Scullcap and Valerian tablets and drops:
"Max's Mum" – I just wanted to say that stuff for calming fireworks night is amazing!....Really loud here at the moment and Max is on the sofa looking chilled/sleepy. Hasn't barked once, thank you.
"Dodger's Mum" – Well, the Dorwest Herbs have worked well. Dodger got a bit worked up when the idiots threw petrol on the bonfire again, and we gave him the Valerian drops but has settled down fairly quickly. He has been much calmer generally. It was such an improvement. If it hadn't been for the explosion we wouldn't have needed the drops.
I am so pleased to hear this. I do endorse the Dorwest products having used them on my own dogs for various issues, but to hear such positive feedback is really great news. I have catalogues which detail all of the products available, and watch this space as soon they will be appearing on my website. Please note I only hold a small stock of items but I get next day delivery as a stockist.
Losing My Furry Friends
It has been a tough few weeks with losing my furry friends, and each time I lose another it feels like another little piece of my heart goes with them. Sadly, as I've now been doing this for nearly 10 years, most of the doggies I've had since I started are all getting to an age where the likelihood of them passing to the bridge is expected. It really doesn't get any easier, and it only makes me realise just how thankful we should be for each passing day that we still have them.
The weather has been unseasonably pleasant (not that I'm complaining) but it does look as though the rain and wind are set to return. So, for those of you with curly coated or Poodle type dogs, remember to make sure you completely dry them after each soaking and you must, must, must give their coats a good comb through every day. Otherwise come January/February time, we will have no option but to shave off the matted coat. A matt develops really quickly, and the wet makes it worse, so I must stress how important it is to keep on top of the combing.
I have just this week introduced Lucy who is going to be taking on some of my overflow work from now on. She is fully insured, DBS and police checked, and will be available for one to one dog walking, cat feeding, rabbit and guinea pig care, and occasional overnight house-sitting.
Based in Central Worthing, Lucy will be covering the surrounding immediate area.
Here she is with her beautiful cat Teddy. Please contact me through the usual channels to make enquiries about booking.
Finally, as we are now on a downward slide to Christmas yet again, my diary is unsurprisingly full up with very few, if any, gaps between now and 21st December, which will be my last working day of the year. It hardly seems possible that another year is almost over but then that's another 7 in dog years I guess? It's the time of year for pampering your pets, and on this subject I have attached a link to a couple of recipes for Pup Cakes that I've been sent by Sainsbury's. Make your pets happy pooches and don your cooking apron and oven gloves!
I've had some leaflets printed recently detailing all of the grooming services I offer including the Emmi Pet Teeth Cleaning. These are now fully downloadable on my website, and I have some hard copies available for you too.
Thank you as always for listening to my many ramblings.
Much love Sally xx