'Tis The Season To Be Furry

Xmas JumperSo this is my last blog for the year. I can't quite believe I'm saying that, but before I go and drown myself in a bath of Prosecco, a few words to reflect on 2017.

We have had lots of ups and a few downs. Lots of new visitors to the grooming room, some new members join the walking pack, said a few sad goodbyes to old friends, a flashy new website, blogs, Twitter, the Muddy Dog Challenge, and so on. I'm exhausted just looking back on it all. There are lots of new things to look foward to next year, well you know they say that a change is as good as a rest? Xmas Decs 1

Talking of rest, I am hanging up the scissors and walking boots and shall not be returning to work until the 2nd January. I had originally booked the time off with a view to going away for a few days but it hasn't happened. So instead I have some improvements to my little grooming room planned and a major clean of the doggie van, so I will certainly not be sitting around doing nothing!

I don't know about you, but I find November and December the most exhausting months. Not just physically but emotionally too. Without the fact that my business is twice as busy as normal, it's the food shopping, writing cards, buying and wrapping gifts, organising get togethers and parties and it goes on. By the time we've got to the big day I have nothing left in the tank and this is normally the time that my body and Mother Nature decide to reward me with a nasty bout of illness! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that doesn't happen this year!

Xmas Gift DougNow much like a speech at the Oscars, time for some thank yous. I'm overwhelmed again by the generosity and kindness of my clients and followers. My spare bedroom is resembling Santa's Grotto with the amount of gifts I've received and my utility room looks like a sub branch of Threshers. When I said earlier I could run a bath of Prosecco, I wasn't kidding! In fact I could probably fill a hot tub with Prosecco! Now there's an idea! Seriously I am eternally grateful for all the gifts and a special thank you to Denise and Malcolm - Doug's owners who gave a generous donation to a charity extremely close to my heart, the Basset Rescue Network. 

Doug 1Talking of our little Doug, it is very sad that he is ending this year on such a sour note. Last Friday morning, while out on his morning walk with his owners, he was set upon by another terrier who came out of nowhere on the end of a flexi lead and took a chunk out of him! Poor Doug ended up having to spend the whole day in the Vets being stitched up and scanned for internal damage while his owners faced a bill of over £1000 the week before Christmas! We are wishing him well and having been round to see him, I know he's going to be back to his old self real soon.

Flexi leads - a subject I could spend all year talking about. They have their place, I'm just not sure where that place is?  Certainly not on roads or pavements. It is impossible to control a dog on one as this case with poor Doug has proved. I do use one on occasion for dogs that have to be kept on a lead while they're out in the pack but they still have some sense of freedom, but a training line would work just as well. Also I find they encourage dogs to pull. They take the lead to full extension then there's a sharp jolt as it reaches its max and the dog is snapped back. Surely that's not good for the dog, the handler's arm or the durability of the lead itself? Anyway, enough of that but needless to say, we're all wishing Doug well and hope to see him back in the pack soon.

As I mentioned earlier, the grooming side of things has been a little crazy over the last couple of months. I'm sorry for anyone that I couldn't fit in. I physically feel exhausted..............there isn't a part of me that doesn't ache so a few days rest is definitely in order. Back to it again from the 2nd January and amazingly the diary is almost full already for the early part of the new year. So again, thank you so much for your support. In the competitive World we live in, I do not take it for granted that you choose me. I'm thinking of making a few changes next year, with some new services possibly so watch this space!  Cartoon Dogs

So as our furry year draws to a close, it only remains for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and wishing you all good health for the new year. I'll look forward to seeing you again soon. Thank you as always for supporting me and my business.

Much love

Sally xx

(and the hounds will enjoy some of the gifts they've received from you too! xx) 

First Blog For Year Of The Dog
It's the most tiring time of the year!

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