Early Sunday morning, up with the birds again, pile the hounds into the Furry Dogmobile.......destination - Hever Castle for Castle Canines. Protests from Mr Furry about why we can't ever have a lazy Sunday like everyone else. Not in this house sunshine! It's go, go, go! I explain to him that being active is healthy and keeps you young unless of course, you die from exhaustion which, to be fair, could be a possibility! So we arrive at Hever and unload the hounds. Usual expelling of "aahhhhss" and "oohhhhsss" following by "4 of them?!". Off we go the ticket of...
Well I'm not going to even mention the weather although being British we do love to talk about it don't we? We seem to be having alternate sunny days followed by a monsoon but then it is the school Summer holidays so what do we expect? I said I wasn't going to mention it but there I have! Anyway, what have we been up to this week? Well of course, we have had the arrival of our house-guest Lily Basset who is staying for a couple of weeks while her family are enjoying themselves Stateside. Lily has pretty much slotted into the pack and dare I say it?...........going from ...
I was very lucky to have a rare day off on Friday to celebrate my Birthday and even though the predicted forecast looked awful, the sun shone for me. Me and Mr Furry decided to take the hounds to Sheffield Park Gardens near The Bluebell Railway which is part of the National Trust. There are a few good walks around the grounds but dogs need to be kept on the lead due to cattle. To be honest, it is safer to leave my hounds on leads near cattle, not because they would chase them but because it is a prime opportunity to roll in cow pats! As it was, Mr Buddy-Love did a good ...
I spoke too soon about my wardrobe choices and the weather didn't I? I got very caught out on Wednesday's group walk in my shorts! Ah well, never mind, the gardens needed it (isn't that what they say?). Again, the dogs never seem to mind what is happening with the weather as long as they can run around and have a good play with their friends. Mind you, with the very electric storms we had on Tuesday night, I'm sure there were a lot of very frightened pooches around. Poor things. I myself was scared enough as the lightening was so bright it seemed to light up the w...
Well here we are in the throes of Wimbledon and I'm thinking of signing Peach Basset up for next year's round of Ball Girls. That dog has found 3 tennis balls this week and she finds them in the deepest of undergrowth which are completely invisible to anybody else! I wish I could hone that skill so that she could put it to use finding something a little more valuable. She'd be a great Sniffer Dog if anyone ever tried to smuggle drugs inside of tennis balls! It's so funny how she loves a ball and so often I hear "oh a Basset Hound chasing a ball". Admittedly the lazy, sl...